For unknown reasons we are back on their mailing list.
I guess Elaine is still working for them judging from the flowery descriptions.
See right and left.
This is a small experiment in the blogosphere. "If you have no interest in what it's like to grow old, what follows is not for you. However, if it's going to happen to you, and the outcome is ultimately going to be negative, then finding a way to make the process as bearable, even as enjoyable as possible, might be worth a little attention."—from John Jerome's On Turning Sixty-Five
Oo - I'm TOTALLY heading over to check out the new catalog. Thanks for the heads-up.
And speaking of heads...that Pictorial Definition of Irony is something else. Hadn't seen that one.
Stay toasty up there in the hinterlands. A friend of mine is in your neck of the woods, and she has supposedly been regaling her family back here with horror stories about the cold.
There were some nice things for ladies, especially the willowy kind. Us mature and full figures don't fare so well. But it is a fun read, kind of like reading Jane Austen after you've seen the movies. The pictures in your head are just better when coached by our Hollywood friends.
The snow has all melted down here in the lowlands, not sure about the higher parts. The kids usually start playing baseball outside here in March.
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