08 April 2011

Are the Republicans Playing The Same Rules As The Democrats?

I grew up in Wisconsin. My brother lives in Wisconsin. I have often wondered why the Democrats are almost always able to find the necessary votes when there are only a few hundred separating the two candidates. It looks like the Republicans in this just-concluded judicial election in Wisconsin waited until the Democrats had done their thing, finding the usual number of "misplaced" ballots, enough to win a close election. And then the Republicans somehow managed to "find" thousands of ballots, more than enough to win the close election. This maneuver reminds me of the unsophisticated shenanigans of the 2000 presidential election in Florida: enough votes were found to persuade the media to call the results for Gore, thus apparently becoming the President of the United States, before the people of the Panhandle had finished their voting. Naturally enough, those who were stuffing the ballot boxes thought they had done enough when Gore was announced the winner, and stopped. Of course, they hadn't stuffed enough and all the King's horses and and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty together again. Remember the Supreme Court of the United States had to become involved so that the crooked lawyers King's men couldn't fix what their underlings had messed up.

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