I forgot how far Mesa is from Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. That is where I eventually met up with Russ though we had a little trouble making contact because of the complexity of the Phoenix airport. We then drove on to Tucson, spring-training home of the Chicago White Sox, the Colorado Rockies and the Arizona Diamondbacks. The other 9 teams training in Arizona are scattered around the Phoenix metropolitan area.
Some of the advantages of Tucson are that it is a smaller city, and it boasts the University of Arizona which usually fields a pretty good team too. We did manage to see U of A beat Cal State Fullerton on Friday evening of the day we arrived. But if it gets down to two teams with all the rest of them being a couple of hours away in Phoenix that might be difficult for everyone. We may have to stay in Phoenix next year.
Actually I have it in mind to visit North Carolina April/May 2009 as there is a surprising number of minor league teams scattered about that fair state as well as a nephew who is a vice-president of the Kannapolis Intimidators, class A affiliate of the White Sox in the South Atlantic League. He and their field manager were the main forces for getting us tickets for the spring games in Tucson and one in Phoenix at the Brewer's stadium in Maryvale. So thank you gentlemen very much.
I don't know what the problem with Blogger is. I am unable to move the pictures around. Sorry.
You can check out more pictures at my other website or maybe in a web gallery. Yes, this last link works, as I just checked it out. [The browser is the problem: Safari has been flummoxed by Blogger once again. I switched over to FireFox.]
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