11 August 2008

Architect's Error Leads to Mustang Loss

Off to a strong start in the 2nd half, it seems a little surprising when the Mustangs lose. They took on the Casper Ghosts tonight, and committed 4 errors in the first two or three innings, two of them owing to the sun blinding the first baseman and then later the right fielder in the same inning. Even the 1st base umpire had some difficulties for an inning or so. This was a regular happening at the old Cobb Field of course, but was supposed to be fixed in the new Dehler Park. Maybe the earth has shifted in its orbit around the sun because of global warming, or maybe the reductions thought necessary to get the public to vote for the park led to the problem, I'm not sure, but the problem is still there.

Final score was 8-7, not bad considering we spotted them 7 runs to start.

I hope someone is thinking about how to fix this problem. I would guess some sort of sky boxes built above and behind the current seats might remedy the sun problem, as well as provide some relief to the fans trying to get some shade or stay out of the rain.

Then if we can get someone to tell the cheerleader/announcer to turn his volume down and maybe even just be quiet between at least some innings we might have an enjoyable place to watch a ballgame. Is it a necessity that minor league fans be tortured by high school exaggeration of names during the game, and loud crappy music, and/or advertisements for this and that between innings? I am hoping a trip to Radio Shack for a small radio, or maybe an iPod, together with some good earphones will cut down on the noise.

I just checked with our friendly search engine to see what's up with the Ghosts. Turns out that the name is just a way of selling caps and other gear. The logo actually glows in the dark, groan. Hmm. They are the former Butte Copper Kings, now moved to Casper, and called the Rockies for the first 6 or 7 years there.

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