08 June 2011

This Guy Is Going

I, for one, will be sorry to see him go. I know it's not very PC to enjoy the antics of animals behind bars but even so I do, especially when one would be foolish to try to get this close to a bear in the wild. I suppose we can blame the Great Repression, started during Bush's watch and made much worse by Obama and his gangsterish ways. Like ordinary businesses, non-profits need to figure out how to survive hard times. Actually, now that I think about it, ZooMontana may well have a plan and that is to get smaller, perhaps until the economy starts perking along again, if ever. I have a hunch if we had people in Washington that were business-friendly we might see some amazing things. But if they insist on playing the Chicago game, i.e. various forms of protection rackets, this will not happen.

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