13 October 2008

More climate change

Shazam! Look what a day can do. The sun makes everything look better. The riff-raff will start drifting back I'm afraid to say. Is that mean?

These big evergreens remind me of Russian heavyweight weightlifters at the last Olympic games. This snow is very heavy but they just stand there and support it. No wonder they last so long in these part. Natural selection at work.

I forget the name of this very nice tree with deep maroon leaves. I will ask my local arborist. It does look a little better than it did yesterday. Let us keep our fingers crossed.

The same maroon tree from the other side. Heavy sticky snow.

The evergreens did suffer some casualties, probably amongst the older generation. Nature's way of trimming the excess.

This is what things in Billings, especially on Ramada Drive, look like on Monday, 13 October 2008. This is almost miraculous as the DJIA was rising from the ashcan 900+ today! Thanks heavens we are back in the template of global warming, and an ever-rising market, so our journalists will feel comfortable, another triumph for climate change theory. Is that too mean? I usually don't try to argue with fools because of the well known hazards.

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