19 April 2008

Peggy Noonan writes an amazing op-ed

I usually enjoy reading parts of most editions of the Wall Street Journal as it seems to be a daily newspaper interested in the truth, but I really look forward to the Saturday morning edition because that is when Peggy Noonan’s weekly mini-essay gets published.

I remember she had something useful to say about Benedict XVI (and John Paul II too, naturally) a few days ago. See an earlier entry on this matter. Today she said some thoughtful things about our presidential candidates. I wonder if they all have people working for them who do and say similar things? Check out the back page of the Weekend Journal section on Leisure & Arts.

The first point she makes is that nobody is listening to Mrs Clinton anymore, not even her supporters. The goofy lie she told us about her Bosnian experience was noticed only because most people had already decided what they thought about her. She is done for now but may make a comeback [hmm—what other famous politician made a comeback?] but only if she wears skirts! That last suggestion is Ms Noonan's, not mine. I like baggy trousers as it reminds me of her Soviet days.

And then she goes on to Mr Obama to mention his inexperience and elitism. She candidly says that “he was only caught speaking the secret language of America’s elite, and what he said was not meant as a putdown.” [my emphasis] And of course Mrs Obama then protests that she is from the South Side of Chicago, perhaps not realizing that “to rise in America is to turn left, unless you are very, very tough or protected by privilege of the financial or familial kind.”

And finally, she suggests that Mr McCain offer himself as a one-term president, thus allowing all of us a reluctant compromise and delaying tactic while Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton can re-do their makeup and personas for a re-entry on the national stage few short years down the road. I think this was the tactic the Holy Spirit used in selecting our present pope. Four years for a politician is a lifetime, especially with our short attention spans. Brilliant. Probably too much so for anyone to pay attention. Where does one get bumper stickers with the pizazz of this one?

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