19 January 2009

Last Chance Harvey

We saw this a couple of days ago. Probably because anything that Emma Thompson is in has to be good. I could identify with Harvey of the title (Dustin Hoffman): he gets fired for gradually getting old with the performance issues that aging brings on; but there was something not totally convincing about Ms Thompson. She has had her teeth fixed and her hair was a little brassy, and she had a certain, well, middled-aged spread, as you might expect a 50 yr old to have, but I'm not sure those were really a problem. Maybe it was this last change, especially playing opposite an almost pixieish Dustin Hoffman who made her look larger than she really is.

And whereas I always felt like I could have, in my younger days of course, actually steeled myself to call her for a date, the character she played in Last Chance Harvey I'm not sure I would want to call. Which may just mean that she was playing her part perfectly, but still, she is just not a convincing lower middle class Britisher. This movie was not Sense and Sensibility or Remains of the Day, but it was better than a lot of the crap we put up with from Hollywood these days.

Oh no, I just discovered on Wikipedia that Emma Thompson is a GreenPeace activist. Oh well, another superb actress forgiven for being silly. I'll just mute her response at her next Oscar acceptance speech.

1 comment:

Ken & Carol said...

Oh dear, as I was looking at another part of my blog, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this picture of Ms Thompson, and I just realized why she turns me on. Of course, she reminds me of my first wife.

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